Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Connect HDD or USB drive to PS2 Slim

Well today I will tell you how to connect HDD or Pendrive to SONY PS2 Slim.. I know its very difficult to play games by inserting CD's or DVD's again again . So here i will tell you the procedure for connecting HDDs or USBs.

In fat Sony PS2, HDD can be easily connected by using Network Connector as space is being provided to connect it.

But In PS2 Slim there are two USB ports  given. So follow the steps and connect your HDD or USB to these ports.


Things Needed..

  • A Playstation 2 Console (Modded, if not then you need original SWAPMAGIC disk).
  • A Memory Card , can be of  8MB Sony ( But not cheap cloned chinese cards)
  • Harddisk or Thumb Drive
  •  Free MC BOOT  ( can be downloaded here)
  • SwapMagic Disk (just google it)
  • uLaunchELF  ( download here )
  • OpenPS2loader (for loading games from HDD. Download it here )
  • USB EXTREME tool ( For formatting and installing games on HDD or USB, can be download here  )

First of all we will install MC BOOT on memory card. This is the main thing which is done so that games can be run by using any game loader like OpenPS2loader through memory card.

> Plug in your harddisk drive to PC or lappy ( Make sure it's FAT32 formatted, Renamed to NEW (case sensitive) ).

Make a folder called SWAPMAGIC  (case sensitive) in HDD.

Now download MC BOOT rar file.
Extract it . Copy the INSTALL folder and FREE_MCBOOT.ELF to root of HDD.

Download uLaunchELF_v4.42.zip file.
Extract it and Copy the BOOT.ELF to INSTALL folder and SWAPMAGIC folder of HDD.
In SWAPMAGIC folder, rename the BOOT.ELF to SWAPMAGIC.ELF .

Now Plug your HDD to PS2 slim  and boot your SWAP MAGIC disk.

You will see Swapmagic's Splash Screen and then see uLE's main screen (Be pateince).

Now there enter uLe's file browser, navigate to mass:/ then launch FREE_MCBOOT.ELF .

Now There do normal install .  You will be asked in which memory slot. Install in the one you want. Once installed you will get the message that FreeMcBoot installed successfully.

Now Half the part is done. Now its time to install Games on HDD.

> Now connect your HDD again to PC.

Download USBEXTREME tool. Extract it and run the setup.
First of all format the HDD once by clicking on Diskformat option. (Pendrives will not be listed there so format it manually with FAT32 system )

Now click on Install.
Select Rom, Media Type and HDD location.
Give Game name ( Naming is case sensitive. Always Name in Capital words Ex. GAME1or GAME_1)

Click Start. Once Done then Click OK.

Now Last Step is to copy the Loader i.e. OPNPS2LD.ELF to your HDD. Copy it.

Eject safely your HDD from PC .

Now Take out the Swap Magic disk from Console. Plugin your HDD and start it.

You will see FreeMcBoot logo after that various options. Now go to Elf Launcher.
Then configure or open file by going to mass:/ then OPNPS2LD.ELF .

 Now PS2Loader Screen will open. There Select the game and run it.

Enjy your Game..

( You can also use another loader like USBAdvance. just download it and copy it to HDD then configure it)



  2. Hey really good steps to understand.. :)
    My doubt was is this work for PS2 9004 Model

    1. for 9xxx models , ps2 must moded by a modchip. and you need ps2 opl dvd-OPEN PS2 LOADER, google it it is 1.3mb compressed and 1.3gb uncompressed. no ps2 MC needed in this method. and it is too simple just put the opl dvd and configure setting. and it is work in all models. fat and slim all.

  3. What if my slim modded PS2 lens is failing in reading the discs? Can I still plug my HDD to PS2 slim and boot the SWAP MAGIC disk?
    Pls email me at ochpsx2011@yahoo.com.sg to discuss personally.
    It's URGENT!
    Thanks in advance!

  4. What if mine ps2s lens is not working

  5. Love to read it,Waiting For More new Update and I Already Read your Recent Post its Great Thanks. The difference:ssd vs hdd
